Executing your duties as a financial advisor effectively requires that you remain aware and informed of the latest legislation that could impact the lives of your clients. One such bill...
By Joseph Bonadies, The Tatlan Group With the beginning of the new calendar year, tax season is upon us. This promises a flurry of activity for those of us working...
As we close out 2024, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to the dedicated representatives in our network that make it all possible. This year...
As the end of the year approaches, many people scramble to complete their holiday shopping, send out greeting cards or plan the next year’s vacation. But it is also important...
A hallmark of any good, reputable company is having longstanding customers who have been there since the early years. These enduring relationships stand as testaments to the quality of the...
“Always look to where the play is developing, staying ahead of the curve---- we have seen the globalization of financial markets and financial institutions for the past forty years---but I...
Maintaining competitiveness in the financial advising industry requires efficiency and the ability to deliver clients the same options as the big wirehouses. Being able to leverage the right technology is...
At L.M. Kohn, our mission requires that we stay ahead of the latest developments that could have an impact on our industry. Recently, one such change to the rules affecting...
Whether it’s helping our customers reach their financial goals or providing support to our reps to help them succeed as independent financial advisors, it is the mission of L.M. Kohn...
Like most other industries, there has been a great deal of change in the field of financial advising over the past few decades. In addition to the scores of new...
As advisors, we want to meet financial goals and get the best returns for our clients at the least amount of expense. Doing so requires strategic and thoughtful planning, especially...
Performing effectively as a financial advisor requires you to stay up to date on the latest from federal regulators, which at times can pose quite a challenge. The thought leaders...
Planning for the future by bringing in today’s top talent continues to be the goal of not only L.M. Kohn, but also of our reps. Over the past few months,...
As advisors, we have the responsibility to operate in our clients’ best interests, whether we’re researching financial products, building a plan for their future retirement or helping them manage their...
The future of financial advising belongs to the young people entering the industry today. That’s why L.M. Kohn has made it a priority to recruit the best and brightest talent...
Client communication is an indispensable component of the job performed by financial advisors. Not only for discussing financial decisions, but also in building trust between the client and the advisor....
By Carl Hollister, President L.M. Kohn and Company, and Garry Kohn, CFP®, President Kohn Wealth Management Advisors On December 23, 2022, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Consolidated Appropriations...
Current reps of L.M. Kohn might recognize Liam Mulligan from his presentation on Succession Planning, which he delivered during our 2022 annual compliance meeting. During that time, Liam was a...
As advisors, it is our duty to protect the financial interests of our customers. Not only in ensuring their assets are allocated correctly to achieve the maximum return on investment,...
At L.M. Kohn, our primary objective is to treat our advisors and representatives as clients by creating a framework of Independence, Stability and Accessibility they need to succeed as independent...
Our acquisition of Baker and Company brought with it many seasoned and experienced professionals, which we’re proud to have on our team. Today we’re highlighting one such team member, Account...
When Baker and Company joined L.M. Kohn earlier this year, we had the benefit of adding some truly remarkable people to our team. These individuals possess decades of experience, natural...
One of the reasons so many reps choose L.M. Kohn as their Broker Dealer is for its small size and friendly company culture. Our Ohio-based, family-owned firm offers a refreshing...
As a financial advisor, chances are that you spend a great deal of time advising clients on the best ways to plan for their financial futures, but it is also...
Introducing Ryan Henahan of Baker and Company 2023 has already been a very active year for L.M. Kohn. Our acquisition of Baker and Company, a family-owned, Ohio-based investment firm, has...
At L.M. Kohn, we pride ourselves on our reputation and ethics. We believe that if you can connect with likeminded advisors who are tired of working for the larger investment...
Why is Succession Planning Important for Financial Advisors? By Liam Mulligan, Kelley School of Business (Indiana University) Class of 2023 In the grand scheme of things, the industry of financial...
Planning for the future is a significant portion of the role performed by a financial advisor. Being entrusted with clients’ retirement savings is no small responsibility. But beyond that, advisors...
Being an independent financial advisor is no walk in the park. Keeping ahead of the latest trends and regulations, and diligently researching every available option to make the best recommendations...
Getting started as a financial advisor has many challenges. Building a viable book of business that will sustain your income, along with establishing your reputation as a qualified professional are...
Being an independent financial advisor has many advantages. Besides the pay structure, which grows as the advisor’s book of business expands, a properly established practice also provides the freedom to...
Navigating the ever-changing maze of compliance can be a tedious and tiresome job. However, it is also crucial to the success of independent financial advisors, who often find themselves lacking...
For over 30 years, L.M. Kohn has helped advisors build their own independent, successful practices. For us, this has meant maintaining a highly skilled and hardworking compliance department with high...
At L.M. Kohn, we are pleased to announce the addition of Tim Chon, COO, to our leadership team. Tim is a performance-driven expert in people and process management and brings...
A Snapshot of the L.M. Kohn Advisor At L.M. Kohn, we are proud of the dedicated group of individuals that have partnered with us to plant their own flag in...
On January 26, 2022, Elaine Simmons, partner with Social Security Informed, delivered an enlightening presentation to L.M. Kohn reps to inform them how to advise their clients to take full...
“I should’ve done this 10 years ago,” said Shelley Norris nostalgically from her desk at the offices of Norris & Co. Wealth Management. “Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t...
Financial advisors often find themselves wearing many hats throughout the course of a single workweek. Depending on their specific role, they could be required to devise savings plans for retirement...
L.M. Kohn was founded on three core values that Larry Kohn deemed essential for advisors to thrive in their work; freedom, stability, and last but not certainly not least, accessibility....
Achieving success requires an independent financial advisor to wear many hats. Beyond the core duties of maintaining clients’ investment portfolios, at times an independent advisor must also help their clients...
Larry Andreano is no stranger to change. The L.M. Kohn independent advisor has had an interesting and storied career, marked by many moves, upheavals and career changes before partnering with...
Freedom: Realizing the True Benefits of Joining L.M. Kohn Larry Kohn founded L.M. Kohn & Company in 1990 primarily because he saw the need for a change in his industry....
One of our primary objectives is to maintain an inventory of tools, knowledge and skills to equip our advisors with the resources they need to perform their jobs successfully. Doing...
Broker-Dealers are no strangers to the volume of complex rules and standards that regulate the wealth management industry. Maintaining an understanding of and abiding by these rules to ensure compliance...
The industry of financial advising does not come without its challenges. Many enter the field with dreams of building a name for themselves by working hard to research and recommend...
The United States and China announced a “phase one” trade agreement just before new tariffs were scheduled to go into effect.
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